Testing Services

Welcome to Gadsden State's Testing Services!

重要的: An unexpired governmental photo ID is 要求 to be shown for any test administration. 除车钥匙外,请将其他物品留在家中或车内. 请查看下面的其他测试服务信息和要求.

如果你是一名新生,没有通过大学水平的英语和/或数学考试, 请联系你的指导老师,询问你是否需要参加Accuplacer分班考试. 如果你还没有被指派指导老师,请联系 enrollment@ah5z.net or records@ah5z.net. Be sure to include your name, student number (A#) and declared major in the email and you will receive a response regarding placement test requirements, or if you qualify for test exemption.

If you have been informed that you are required to take the Accuplacer writing and/or math placement test, please continue to the Find Your Test 查看Accuplacer信息并在线访问 appointment scheduling systemWalk-In testing is not allowed 此时此刻. 学生必须有一个确认的预约,通过 appointment webpage. If you have any questions after reviewing the information below or about placement test scheduling, please contact testing@ah5z.net.

除了管理十大赌博app的Accuplacer分班测试, Testing Services also administers 行为 On-Campus (Residual) to students who will be Gadsden State Health Science program applicants; the 行为-WorkKeys to community members whose potential employer requires this basic abilities test series; and the 日月光半导体 certification tests to community members in the auto service industry. Please refer to the Find Your Test 具体考试信息、练习资源、考试时间安排和费用请参见下文.

加兹登州立考试中心的地点在一站式中心,132室 East Broad Street Campus (256-549-8497)和行政大楼107室 Ayers校园 (256-832-1241).


Find Your Test 


Testing Requirements


  • 未过期的政府颁发的带照片的身份证件,如驾照
  • 十大赌博app学生号(a#),如果适用的话.
  • Testing fee payment receipt, if applicable.


  • Cell phones or Bluetooth devices
  • Digital, alarm or calculator watches
  • Wristwatch smartphones
  • Non-approved calculators
  • Photographic or copying devices
  • 收听或录音设备,如带耳机/耳塞的媒体播放器
  • 太阳镜
  • Food or drinks
  • Unattended children
  • 游客
  • 外套、帽子、连帽衫或头巾(因宗教或医疗原因佩戴的除外)

NCTA Proctoring Services
Testing Services Testing Services Participant